Hey Ninjas, 
SONG PICK: BUY A HEART BY Nicki Minaj and Meek Mill.

I am here again in a sorry attempt to turn this into a two-day writing streak, and hopefully, it will get my creative writing juices flowing.
I called it a sorry attempt because I have not come up with a topic to write about, so I am just here to ramble on about the things I have been up to while I have been away.

I changed the font there for a moment, but I assure you it will only be a temporary fix unless I fall in love with the new font. Then well, in that case, I  would like to welcome you all to a new era:)
(just kidding, I hope)

Anyway, while I was away, sometime in mid-last year, I decided to embark on a spiritual journey.

It was not necessarily the type of spiritual journey my mother would recommend, but I know that it was both a journey and spiritual for me nonetheless.
During this journey, the whole purpose of it was to gain back control of my life.

For a moment, it felt like it was spiraling out of control. For someone who craved a working system, these out-of-control scenarios and an utter detachment from action and consequences didn't quite cut it for me.

How did I go about this spiritual journey?
Well, the only plan I had was to reconnect with myself and gain control while doing so.

It got complicated, and I slacked a bit due to school stress, but I made little progress then.
If you didn't know,  I am a huge fan of little wins.

Fast-forward to right now, and I have to say I am grateful for how far I have come since then.

So, I planted seven weed seeds while on my self-declared spiritual journey. ( yep, I mean marijuana, and no, I do not smoke. Strange as it sounds, it was the most accessible seed to find)
I picked seven seeds because my mother always talks about how seven in the arithmetic of God stands for perfection.
I planted my seeds on a full moon because I might just be a Christian who believes and is also biophilic.
I like to stay connected with the forces of nature.
Only three of my seeds sprouted, after which I christened my plant "Weedie, my manifestation plant."
I could have been more creative with the naming act, but the name seemed efficient enough for me then.

The three seeds symbolized parts of my life I wanted to work on in the coming months, and I proceeded to nurture and grow my plant while I tried to nurture those parts of my life in reality. 

Two plants struggled a bit while the last one flourished, just like in real life.

During those days, I tried to be intentional about my actions. I prayed, thought, and spoke only positively and meditated. I still do these things now, but I took them very seriously during those days.
I was big on manifestation and still am because I just am. I like the idea of putting things into existence.

I even have a manifestation journal because I believe I am not a regular mortal.

Looking back, I made some pretty simple decisions that were probably imperative to my sanity.
(not to be dramatic or anything, but I was in a particularly morbid place in my head )

I made some mistakes, but I set myself straight during the journey. 
I withdraw from as much human interaction as possible except for school-related activities because human beings can sometimes be your doom. ( emphasis on sometimes, and I still do this last part when I feel the need to recharge so I can face the world stronger)

Now, I have done all these things and have slacked one or two times, but  I must admit, I am glad I did it.
I might do it again soon, but this time in a more elaborate scheme. I will keep going until I get it right because everything I do in life is just to be the best version of myself possible.

One time, it would be a group thing.


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