A Magnet In Their Stars

Hello My Stealth Ninjas
Song Pick: Gang Gang - Migos.
Let's talk about another form of humans dear to my heart. THE MAGNETS. 
See this time, My mum brought these kind of humans to my attention and I can only wonder what made her come up with the concept of a human born with a magnetic star.
The humans with the magnetic stars are those who you would say attracts attention or interests but most times more often than not, they do not want it. The operative word for these group is "effortlessness". When they walk into a room, all heads don't turn like the way you see in the movies, neither do jaws drop like when a hot chick or dude enters a room, nah its nothing like that. This time the aura is much more subtle, and the intrigue slowly spreads like it is contagious. The first person's interest is piqued, gradually and honestly quite slowly every one is suddenly smitten for an unknown reason. They are liked and most times adored by literally everyone for no apparent reason. For those that might be different enough to "claim" to not like them, they secretly adore them but are more angry they can't seem to figure out what is so special about a plain old magnet.

The magnets are quiet, adaptive humans. Like little rays of sunlight that tend to shine in the most unlikely places. I'm sure you must have come across this sort of human. Like the one every one wants to be friends with, and they didn't even have to put any effort into being accepted. They just had to smile and whoosh, magic happens. A different case might be with a frown, a nonchalant attitude and boom, everyone is intrigued about the fact that this human doesn't care about anyone (ha, the good old toxic trait humans have of always obsessively wanting and craving something they can't have or rather someone that is indifferent to their existence). My point is, these human magnets attract you whether you like it or not, and whether they like it or not, they will always attract all sorts of people effortlessly.
For the last part of attracting all sorts of people effortlessly, it comes with negative aspects obviously, this is mostly why these human magnets try to blend in as much as they can, but there is simply no way to turn it off. Like how having a diamond ring attracts a risk of losing a finger to a vicious thief everytime you put it on, or in an entirely different direction, how owning a car increases the probable chance of being smashed to a thousand pieces every time you drive it, the alternatives to having to make make use of these things are either unthinkable or unreasonable. Every turn in life is filled with risks, but you can't say you have a chance of dying in an accident everyday when you leave your house, that you decide to not go out at all. A piece advice from me would be this, since trying to blend in doesn't necessarily work for these group, then why restrict yourself.
Finally, lets come right down to the real reason anyone would want to hate these special humans when every fibre of your being is telling you not to. The truth is this, in every case they invariably steal the spotlight. They will upstage you in your own little kingdom if they ever visit, and like I once said, it is always effortless. And if that doesn't annoy you enough, the fact that you don't know how they do it at all yet they make it look so easy will throw you over the edge. You will always be second best next to them, but you don't have to make that into a bad thing. They aren't always out to spite you, it's just all about the magnet in their stars, They can't help it. Try not to hate someone for things that aren't their fault.


  1. I have been surrounded by these type of people all my life. That makes me angry and sometimes jealous. This has helped me make peace with the fact that it is not their fault. Just the luck of a magnetic star. Thank you for this write up. It really helped me


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