Why We shouldn’t all be feminist 😅

Hi people,
I hope this post reaches you well😅

Before I continue with what I have to say, I will like to clarify that I am actually a feminist. This article isn’t coming from a place of darkness and hatred that has become the home from which our 21st century feminist operate, but I’m hoping I bring a little light into that dark house we have chosen to call home.
I do not understand why being a “supposed feminist” has to come with so much bitterness and an overly compulsive obsession to prove a point. 
It is not  supposed to be a battle for women against the world and you do not have to bash and drag anyone who doesn’t see the world like you do (unless of course the person is a misogynistic imp, then by all means do your thing).
I have never really been the normal overly enthusiastic feminist you would see today, probably because I have never had the reason to be aggressive about it. 
I come from a family where even as the youngest of five kids and also female, my opinion is actually valued and albeit respected.
My dad claims he isn’t a feminist these days, maybe because of the aggressive nature of the movement now( and also the fact that our modern day feminists are always trying to mess with certain cultural values) he was actually one of the very first feminist I came to know.
Then of course there is my Mum. She was probably doing this whole girl power business long before it even became a thing.
You see I had a very solid background when it came to having the option of a choice as a girl, so maybe that’s the reason for the difference in my mood of perception , maybe not. Yet I’m sure I’m going somewhere with this post😅.

On this journey to where I’m going with this, let me try to explain from my own perspective, what I understand to be feminism.
I believe it has to do with equality of both sexes yeah?
 And to achieve this said equality, the female gender that initially used to be held back and pushed around, told to live a certain way  are finally given value( for the lack of a better way to describe this, I’m sorry if my words hit a nerve)
Anyways for this equality of the sexes to become a thing, the female gender was given the gift of choice. Choice to live their life anyway they deemed fit, just like the man would.
No restrictions as to what you can or can’t do as a girl ( which is my favorite thing about feminism)
 Anything you feel you can do, you wouldn't have the rather drab words like “but you are girl” holding you back from reaching your full potential.
This movement gave the girl child the opportunity to excel in fields that they never thought they could. (God bless the soul that made this  a thing)
While the operative word for the feminism movement is “choice”,giving the female gender the choice to pick and choose whatever they want to do with their life and cancelling out the years and years of total submission of the female gender to the male gender, the feminism movement strived. 
These days I think we have lost the whole essence of the struggle .
Now the goal is no longer equality of the sexes, but for the self acclaimed female right activists trying to oppress men is the new movement😅( I can’t say most of them don’t deserve it after what we had to put up with since time immemorial, but that’s not the point)  
They are always ready for battles that aren’t even supposed to be there in the first place if they weren’t so hell bent on proving a point.


At this point, I think we have lost the whole point of the movement, and this is because people with “half information” as my brother would say, came on board the moving train and have decided to destroy the tracks.
No one said you had to be angry, bitter, heart broken and arrogant for you to be a feminist.(it’s not our starter pack combo)
No one said being a feminist makes you suddenly smart. If you are dumb and you are a feminist, you are simply a dumb feminist.( it really isn’t rocket science😂). 
The fact that you think being a feminist automatically makes you relevant is just stressful for me to even begin to understand.
No one said every girl had to be a feminist, and no one said you have the right to drag any girl who chooses not to join the bandwagon of angry feminists.
The operative word for feminism like I said earlier is “choice”. You have failed as feminist if you go about dragging people for choosing to be submissive wives instead of going along with the girl power you so fervently preach.
You can’t fight a battle no one asked you to fight. They have made their choice out of every other option, so what is making your skin crawl?
Hate on misogynistic and chauvinist all you want, we still have a lot of them to correct their warped reasoning, but do not go about creating fights using innuendos when there was no need for insinuations and assumptions.
This isn’t War that we are fighting😂, it’s more like an enlightenment.
 Men didn’t know better back then and men are not scum. We can be equal to men, but if a woman chooses to be her man’s subordinate, it’s her business not yours.
Why the constant need to devalue men just so you can feel better. How are you better than these men we are trying so hard to help see the light.
Save your violence for those who choose to undermine your efforts just because you are a lady. 
Please let’s all be guided.https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1a_tK_2T3rvd3RgK3veY9kAPgW67KdtNy

Thank you for your  time 😆.


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