We Begin?

Hi people, there was supposed to be an introductory piece,I had it written once already, but for some reason, it didn't make it here. I'm going to try to recreate what was lost, but I highly doubt it would be as awesome as the first, but here goes nothing.

"Differently wired" is going to be for me a sort of social experiment. I haven't done anything of this sort before, neither have I been this motivated to try something of this sort. With that being said, I think it's safe to tell you that I myself can't clearly tell you what to expect.
What I can tell you for now is that the mind is a crazy place, so I would tell you to expect something "not ordinary" ;-)
We all have a method to our madness, so I apologise in advance if maybe I do not meet your personal standards for instability.
For you see there is a fine line between creative madness and mental illness. I could try to satisfy your methods, but at the end of the day, you might just be raving mad or simply mentally unstable. You do not expect me to be able to compete or even try to live up to your true nature. That being said, I'm going to be doing this my way, but I am open to ideas, I always am and always will be.
"Differently wired" will be featuring unfiltered thoughts, ideas and concepts. Anything to help me in my quest for artistic growth or rather anything that would encourage me to do what I love doing, which is writing English :-) and being good at it in all forms necessary which includes story telling.
Right now I have a truckload of ideas about everything and anything I would like to write on and share, but I'm still out looking for the right topic that would help me ease into things. Baby step you could call it. I do not want to be the one who jumps before she even learnt to walk. Well my little nephew pulled this off one time, but I highly doubt that in a metaphorical sense, this will help me grow.
So for now, baby steps it is. I will let you all know when I have reached my flight stage.
Active participation would be highly appreciated. By this I mean I would love to see your comments, what you think and all what not.
You can also blow me away by sharing my posts. That would make you even more special than you already are right now. (P.S: I love it when I am blown away).
Don't forget to 'follow' so you can get updates on things that will interest you.

Thank you so much for coming on board.


  1. Nice intro!

    We await the craze your mind can showcase!

    Just don't keep us waiting too long.

  2. I love how you put words together to make a great piece of art. I'm down to getting on this crazy drive with you. Dont keep is waiting too long

  3. Creative madness huh, can't wait to see it hun๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰. Do blow our minds๐Ÿ˜


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