A Luck in Their Stars👀

Hi Humans,
SONG PICK FOR THE DAY: All my friends - Dermot Kennedy 
Link to Song Pick

Have you ever met a person and they strike you to be nothing but chaos, yet in the midst of their chaos, they seem to be protected (imagine a person sitting at the eye of hurricane if you must, to help you get a mental picture )
Well yea, this has to be my favourite kind of humans.
My Dad describes them as irresponsibly lucky humans. He also told me that in our native language, there is a term for them which when I loosely translate it, it comes off as "the grasshopper that the hen rejected". ( ukpara okuko juru)😂. Now imagine this (story tiiiiiiiime): some where in a land with details oblivious to man yet he is an existing part of it, there is a family of birds preferably the local chicken, and they have been having a bad day due to the scorching effect of the sun. They haven't really had enough to eat, but then again they never eat much unless they see what to eat. Yet, when they night came, they signed out for the day with hopes of a better day a head. On the other hand that same evening, a swarm of locust was hatching a plan to raid Man's garden because they were extremely hungry, but unfortunately while they were at it, there was a huge storm. The storm wasn't part of the plan, so they were at a great disadvantage. A good number of them died, while some were destabilized, and since it rained all night, they couldn't bounce back. Now it's morning, and the rain is only a light shower, yet the unfortunate locusts who were still alive are waiting for just a little sun light to dry them up so they can fly back home and tell stories of their late night misfortune. But now the birds are up, being the so called early birds they are and again, they have never really been afraid of a little rain, this day wouldn't be any different. They quickly realize while they were about to set out for the day's hunt that they were going to have a bountiful day after all with a swarm of unfortunate locusts to feed on. It's a field day for them. They feast on the dead ones until there were no more, then they went along to feast on the ones waiting for the sun. Now in this particular group of locusts, there is this one that is really badly bruised, yet when the birds got to it, one simply turned it back and forth,(maybe they even fought over it, who knows) after which they moved on to the next locust on the line. They continued their feast until there was no locust left except the badly bruised one they had left earlier. By now, the rain has stopped leaving in its wake a smiling sun ready to wipe away all existing trace of the rain, and finally offer the bruised locust a second chance at life. ( now it is left for you to extract the moral of the story😅)
So who might an irresponsibly lucky human be?
These are the special humans who unseemly have chaos working for them. They have mastered "winging it" down to a fine art, that they are living masterpieces.
You know the thief that managed to get away after the other members of the gang were caught,
The only one who survived a plane crash,
Or maybe let's bring it home, the one who will be surrounded by infectious sick people, yet they are perfectly fine. Or maybe when they get it and the endpoint is a guaranteed death, they somehow escape it.
Back in secondary school, the one friend who would lead a movement and will always get away with it while the rest got punished. We all have either had that one friend, or come across one.
I'm not talking about the cunning friend who knows how to always talk himself out of a sticky situation. Nah, that takes a lot of commitment, and frankly those ones know how to help others out if it becomes necessary. 
These irresponsibly lucky humans do not know how they manage to get away or how they make it every single time, so they can't even help you when there is trouble, or rather when it is necessary. 
Basically the one effect of these fellows is that when you follow them, try to walk in their shoes, there will always be consequences. 
It's almost like they are gifted with the ability to steal luck, and they have no clue.
Once there is a situation that has to be chalked down to luck for you to survive, and you are with one of these lucky people, nahh forget it, you will be robbed of even your grace😂.
It is important to be able to tell when it is ok to be with or work with these kinds of people. They most times come across as people who lack focus, you will always assume that they do not know what they are doing, but when you take a closer look at their lives, things tend to always work out better than you would expect for someone with a nonchalant commitment. So when simply put they are always damn lucky. Like literally everything they touch turns to hold, like the King Midas.
You could also attribute them to the biblical birds of the air, who they say that Almighty offers divine providence for, all their lives. 
Or like the "pristinely ungifted one". A character from the TV series "Legend Of The Seeker", who actually is the seeker's younger sister. (* inserts Zed's voice* "Richard Cypher, you are the true seeker")
So basically, in a world filled with all sorts of magical powers both light and dark she was born without any, and as a huge cherry on her cake, no form of magic works on her. 
So now our irresponsibly lucky humans come off to be not so special at first, but on a closer look, you will see that the regular rules of outcome do not apply to them at all.(this very image has nothing to do with this moment, but it speaks to me , so I just had to put it😁😁)
You might hate these irresponsibly lucky humans because you think they get everything served to them on a gold platter, while you on the other hand is a living Jebez. Well I'm here to tell you that while your hatred is justifiable, you just have to keep it to yourself because anything you do to twat their fate ends up working in their advantage and while you are at it, it will circle around to bite you in the ass( the consequences of being a two faced monkey) Unless maybe you go off on an extreme and try to kill them, but then again that will still find a way of working out in their favour.

Who wouldn't want to be the proverbial rejected grasshopper,  but unfortunately we can't all get what we want.
You are free to tell me your encounter with these kinds of human. Like I said earlier they are my favourite kind, and I would love to hear your stories if you have seen one or maybe you are one 🧘‍♂️.
Proceed now to our comment section, and bless me with contents.


  1. "Son of man goes according to the way it is written of him" so said one book I read, I have forgotten the name shaaaaa!

    That's how one prophet told me I will have to suffer or be very responsible to get anything good, I used to bliv that until I met many irresponsible lucky humans, I went back and asked the prophet if I could swap my lot with one of them to teach them responsibility.

    I am yet to get a reply!

    1. 😂😂😂I'm sure he is also asking himself the same question

  2. I truly know a fee persons like that. I can't help to say that I envy them sometimes. But life without responsibility... It is kind of...will I say...meaningless. Yes, sometimes I envy them, but I prefer a life with meaning.
    This is a good article. The writer is truly a genius, and I must confess, beautiful...truly a sight for sore eyes

  3. Technically being extremely lucky isnt a life without responsibility, you can think of it as instant rewards for being alive.


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