A Luck in Their Stars👀

Hi Humans, SONG PICK FOR THE DAY: All my friends - Dermot Kennedy Link to Song Pick Have you ever met a person and they strike you to be nothing but chaos, yet in the midst of their chaos, they seem to be protected ( imagine a person sitting at the eye of hurricane if you must, to help you get a mental picture ) Well yea, this has to be my favourite kind of humans. My Dad describes them as irresponsibly lucky humans. He also told me that in our native language, there is a term for them which when I loosely translate it, it comes off as " the grasshopper that the hen rejected ". ( ukpara okuko juru )😂. Now imagine this ( story tiiiiiiiime ): some where in a land with details oblivious to man yet he is an existing part of it, there is a family of birds preferably the local chicken, and they have been having a bad day due to the scorching effect of the sun. They haven't really had enough to eat, but then again they never eat much unless they see what to eat. Y...